Xilinx Color Codes & Palette

The brand color of Xilinx is Black. The Xilinx brand colors in Hex, RBG, CMYK, and Pantone can be found below. Xilinx is a company in the technology industry. Xilinx was founded in 1984 in San Jose, CA by James V. Barnett II, Ross Freeman and Bernie Vonderschmitt. The largest competitors of Xilinx are Lattice Semiconductor and Intel Corporation.

Xilinx Primary Colors

The primary colors of Xilinx can be found in the table below.

Color Codes of Xilinx in RGB, HEX, CMYK, and Pantone
Color Name RGB Color Code HEX Color Code CMYK Color Code Pantone Color Code
Black 0 0 0 #000000 75 68 67 90 PMS BLACK 6 C


Hex color code:  #000000
RGB color code: 0 0 0
CMYK color code: 75 68 67 90
Pantone color code: PMS BLACK 6 C

Xilinx HEX Color Codes

Xilinx HEX color are #000000 for the Black and for the .

The Black HEX color of Xilinx can be seen below.


Xilinx RGB Color Codes

Xilinx RGB color are 0 0 0 for the Black and for the .

The Black RGB color of Xilinx can be seen below.

0 0 0

Xilinx CMYK Color Codes

Xilinx CMYK color are 75 68 67 90 for the Black and for the .

The Black CMYK color of Xilinx can be seen below.

75 68 67 90

Xilinx Pantone Color Codes

Xilinx Pantone color are PMS BLACK 6 C for the Black and for the .

The Black Pantone color of Xilinx can be seen below.


Xilinx Logo Colors

Xilinx logo colors are Black, , and . The Black color code for the Xilinx logo is PANTONE: PMS BLACK 6 C, HEX COLOR: #000000, RGB: (0 0 0), CMYK: (75 68 67 90). The color code for the Xilinx logo is PANTONE: , HEX COLOR: , RGB: (), CMYK: ().