Workday Color Codes & Palette

The brand colors of Workday are Orange and, Blue. The Workday brand colors in Hex, RBG, CMYK, and Pantone can be found below. Workday is a company in the technology industry. Workday was founded in 2005 in Walnut Creek, CA by Dave Duffield, Aneel Bhusri. The largest competitors of Workday are Oracle and IBM.

Workday Primary Colors

The primary colors of Workday can be found in the table below.

Color Codes of Workday in RGB, HEX, CMYK, and Pantone
Color Name RGB Color Code HEX Color Code CMYK Color Code Pantone Color Code
Orange 244,153,11 #f4990b 0,37,95,4 PMS 137 C
Blue 44,105,182 #2c69b6  76,42,0,29 PMS 2133 C


Hex color code:  #f4990b
RGB color code: 244,153,11
CMYK color code: 0,37,95,4
Pantone color code: PMS 137 C

Hex color code:  #2c69b6
RGB color code: 44,105,182
CMYK color code: 76,42,0,29
Pantone color code: PMS 2133 C

Workday HEX Color Codes

Workday HEX color are #f4990b for the Orange and #2c69b6 for the Blue.

The Orange HEX color of Workday can be seen below.


The Blue HEX color of Workday can be seen below.


Workday RGB Color Codes

Workday RGB color are 244,153,11 for the Orange and 44,105,182 for the Blue.

The Orange RGB color of Workday can be seen below.


The Blue RGB color of Workday can be seen below.


Workday CMYK Color Codes

Workday CMYK color are 0,37,95,4 for the Orange and 76,42,0,29 for the Blue.

The Orange CMYK color of Workday can be seen below.


The Blue CMYK color of Workday can be seen below.


Workday Pantone Color Codes

Workday Pantone color are PMS 137 C for the Orange and PMS 2133 C for the Blue.

The Orange Pantone color of Workday can be seen below.

PMS 137 C

The Blue Pantone color of Workday can be seen below.

PMS 2133 C

Workday Logo Colors

Workday logo colors are Orange, Blue, and . The Orange color code for the Workday logo is PANTONE: PMS 137 C, HEX COLOR: #f4990b, RGB: (244,153,11), CMYK: (0,37,95,4). The Blue color code for the Workday logo is PANTONE: PMS 2133 C, HEX COLOR: #2c69b6, RGB: (44,105,182), CMYK: (76,42,0,29).