Twitter Color Codes & Palette

The brand colors of Twitter are Blue, Black and, Dark Gray. The Twitter brand colors in Hex, RBG, CMYK, and Pantone can be found below. Twitter is a company in the technology industry. Twitter was founded in 2006 in San Francisco, California, United States by Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone, Evan Williams Trending. The largest competitors of Twitter are Facebook and Snapchat.

Twitter Primary Colors

The primary colors of Twitter can be found in the table below.

Color Codes of Twitter in RGB, HEX, CMYK, and Pantone
Color Name RGB Color Code HEX Color Code CMYK Color Code Pantone Color Code
Blue 29 161 242 #1DA1F2 69 26 0 0 PMS 2382 C
Black 20 23 26 #14171A  76 68 63 78 PMS Black 7 C
Dark Gray 170 184 194 #AAB8C2  34 20 18 0 PMS Cool Gray 7 C

Hex color code:  #1DA1F2
RGB color code: 29 161 242
CMYK color code: 69 26 0 0
Pantone color code: PMS 2382 C

Hex color code:  #14171A
RGB color code: 20 23 26
CMYK color code: 76 68 63 78
Pantone color code: PMS Black 7 C

Hex color code:  #AAB8C2
RGB color code: 170 184 194
CMYK color code: 34 20 18 0
Pantone color code: PMS Cool Gray 7 C

Twitter HEX Color Codes

Twitter HEX color are #1DA1F2 for the Blue and #14171A for the Black.

The Blue HEX color of Twitter can be seen below.


The Black HEX color of Twitter can be seen below.


The Dark Gray HEX color of Twitter can be seen below.


The Extra Light Gray HEX color of Twitter can be seen below.


The Extra Extra Light Gray HEX color of Twitter can be seen below.


Twitter RGB Color Codes

Twitter RGB color are 29 161 242 for the Blue and 20 23 26 for the Black.

The Blue RGB color of Twitter can be seen below.

29 161 242

The Black RGB color of Twitter can be seen below.

20 23 26

The Dark Gray RGB color of Twitter can be seen below.

170 184 194

The Extra Light Gray RGB color of Twitter can be seen below.

225 232 237

The Extra Extra Light Gray RGB color of Twitter can be seen below.

245 248 250

Twitter CMYK Color Codes

Twitter CMYK color are 69 26 0 0 for the Blue and 76 68 63 78 for the Black.

The Blue CMYK color of Twitter can be seen below.

69 26 0 0

The Black CMYK color of Twitter can be seen below.

76 68 63 78

The Dark Gray CMYK color of Twitter can be seen below.

34 20 18 0

The Extra Light Gray CMYK color of Twitter can be seen below.

10 4 4 0

The Extra Extra Light Gray CMYK color of Twitter can be seen below.

3 1 1 0

Twitter Pantone Color Codes

Twitter Pantone color are PMS 2382 C for the Blue and PMS Black 7 C for the Black.

The Blue Pantone color of Twitter can be seen below.

PMS 2382 C

The Black Pantone color of Twitter can be seen below.

PMS Black 7 C

The Dark Gray Pantone color of Twitter can be seen below.

PMS Cool Gray 7 C

The Extra Light Gray Pantone color of Twitter can be seen below.

PMS 656 C

The Extra Extra Light Gray Pantone color of Twitter can be seen below.

PMS Cool Gray 1 C

Twitter Logo Colors

Twitter logo colors are Blue, Black, and Dark Gray. The Blue color code for the Twitter logo is PANTONE: PMS 2382 C, HEX COLOR: #1DA1F2, RGB: (29 161 242), CMYK: (69 26 0 0). The Black color code for the Twitter logo is PANTONE: PMS Black 7 C, HEX COLOR: #14171A, RGB: (20 23 26), CMYK: (76 68 63 78).