Synopsys Color Codes & Palette

The brand color of Synopsys is Purple. The Synopsys brand colors in Hex, RBG, CMYK, and Pantone can be found below. Synopsys is a company in the technology industry. Synopsys was founded in 1986 in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina by David Gregory and Aart de Geus. The largest competitors of Synopsys are Imagination Technologies and Rockwell Automation.

Synopsys Primary Colors

The primary colors of Synopsys can be found in the table below.

Color Codes of Synopsys in RGB, HEX, CMYK, and Pantone
Color Name RGB Color Code HEX Color Code CMYK Color Code Pantone Color Code
Purple 86,53,134 #563586 36,60,0,47 PMS 7679 C


Hex color code:  #563586
RGB color code: 86,53,134
CMYK color code: 36,60,0,47
Pantone color code: PMS 7679 C

Synopsys HEX Color Codes

Synopsys HEX color are #563586 for the Purple and for the .

The Purple HEX color of Synopsys can be seen below.


Synopsys RGB Color Codes

Synopsys RGB color are 86,53,134 for the Purple and for the .

The Purple RGB color of Synopsys can be seen below.


Synopsys CMYK Color Codes

Synopsys CMYK color are 36,60,0,47 for the Purple and for the .

The Purple CMYK color of Synopsys can be seen below.


Synopsys Pantone Color Codes

Synopsys Pantone color are PMS 7679 C for the Purple and for the .

The Purple Pantone color of Synopsys can be seen below.

PMS 7679 C

Synopsys Logo Colors

Synopsys logo colors are Purple, , and . The Purple color code for the Synopsys logo is PANTONE: PMS 7679 C, HEX COLOR: #563586, RGB: (86,53,134), CMYK: (36,60,0,47). The color code for the Synopsys logo is PANTONE: , HEX COLOR: , RGB: (), CMYK: ().