Ss&c Technologies Holdings Color Codes & Palette

The brand colors of Ss&c Technologies Holdings are Blue and, White. The Ss&c Technologies Holdings brand colors in Hex, RBG, CMYK, and Pantone can be found below. Ss&c Technologies Holdings is a company in the technology industry. Ss&c Technologies Holdings was founded in 1986 in Windsor, CT by William C. Stone. The largest competitors of Ss&c Technologies Holdings are Grove and Fiserv.

Ss&c Technologies Holdings Primary Colors

The primary colors of Ss&c Technologies Holdings can be found in the table below.

Color Codes of Ss&c Technologies Holdings in RGB, HEX, CMYK, and Pantone
Color Name RGB Color Code HEX Color Code CMYK Color Code Pantone Color Code
Blue 3,134,200 #0386c8 99,33,0,22 PMS Medium Blue C
White 255,255,255 #ffffff  0,0,0,0 PMS 11-0601 TCX


Hex color code:  #0386c8
RGB color code: 3,134,200
CMYK color code: 99,33,0,22
Pantone color code: PMS Medium Blue C

Hex color code:  #ffffff
RGB color code: 255,255,255
CMYK color code: 0,0,0,0
Pantone color code: PMS 11-0601 TCX

Ss&c Technologies Holdings HEX Color Codes

Ss&c Technologies Holdings HEX color are #0386c8 for the Blue and #ffffff for the White.

The Blue HEX color of Ss&c Technologies Holdings can be seen below.


The White HEX color of Ss&c Technologies Holdings can be seen below.


Ss&c Technologies Holdings RGB Color Codes

Ss&c Technologies Holdings RGB color are 3,134,200 for the Blue and 255,255,255 for the White.

The Blue RGB color of Ss&c Technologies Holdings can be seen below.


The White RGB color of Ss&c Technologies Holdings can be seen below.


Ss&c Technologies Holdings CMYK Color Codes

Ss&c Technologies Holdings CMYK color are 99,33,0,22 for the Blue and 0,0,0,0 for the White.

The Blue CMYK color of Ss&c Technologies Holdings can be seen below.


The White CMYK color of Ss&c Technologies Holdings can be seen below.


Ss&c Technologies Holdings Pantone Color Codes

Ss&c Technologies Holdings Pantone color are PMS Medium Blue C for the Blue and PMS 11-0601 TCX for the White.

The Blue Pantone color of Ss&c Technologies Holdings can be seen below.

PMS Medium Blue C

The White Pantone color of Ss&c Technologies Holdings can be seen below.

PMS 11-0601 TCX

Ss&c Technologies Holdings Logo Colors

Ss&c Technologies Holdings logo colors are Blue, White, and . The Blue color code for the Ss&c Technologies Holdings logo is PANTONE: PMS Medium Blue C, HEX COLOR: #0386c8, RGB: (3,134,200), CMYK: (99,33,0,22). The White color code for the Ss&c Technologies Holdings logo is PANTONE: PMS 11-0601 TCX, HEX COLOR: #ffffff, RGB: (255,255,255), CMYK: (0,0,0,0).