Snapchat Color Codes & Palette

The brand colors of Snapchat are Yellow and, Black. The Snapchat brand colors in Hex, RBG, CMYK, and Pantone can be found below. Snapchat is a company in the technology industry. Snapchat was founded in 2011 in by Evan Spiegel. The largest competitors of Snapchat are Tiktok and Facebook.

Snapchat Primary Colors

The primary colors of Snapchat can be found in the table below.

Color Codes of Snapchat in RGB, HEX, CMYK, and Pantone
Color Name RGB Color Code HEX Color Code CMYK Color Code Pantone Color Code
Yellow 255 252 0 #FFFC00 0 0 100 0 PMS Process Yellow C
Black 0 0 0 #000000  63 62 59 94 PMS Black C

Hex color code:  #FFFC00
RGB color code: 255 252 0
CMYK color code: 0 0 100 0
Pantone color code: PMS Process Yellow C

Hex color code:  #000000
RGB color code: 0 0 0
CMYK color code: 63 62 59 94
Pantone color code: PMS Black C

Snapchat HEX Color Codes

Snapchat HEX color are #FFFC00 for the Yellow and #000000 for the Black.

The Yellow HEX color of Snapchat can be seen below.


The Black HEX color of Snapchat can be seen below.


Snapchat RGB Color Codes

Snapchat RGB color are 255 252 0 for the Yellow and 0 0 0 for the Black.

The Yellow RGB color of Snapchat can be seen below.

255 252 0

The Black RGB color of Snapchat can be seen below.

0 0 0

Snapchat CMYK Color Codes

Snapchat CMYK color are 0 0 100 0 for the Yellow and 63 62 59 94 for the Black.

The Yellow CMYK color of Snapchat can be seen below.

0 0 100 0

The Black CMYK color of Snapchat can be seen below.

63 62 59 94

Snapchat Pantone Color Codes

Snapchat Pantone color are PMS Process Yellow C for the Yellow and PMS Black C for the Black.

The Yellow Pantone color of Snapchat can be seen below.

PMS Process Yellow C

The Black Pantone color of Snapchat can be seen below.

PMS Black C

Snapchat Logo Colors

Snapchat logo colors are Yellow, Black, and . The Yellow color code for the Snapchat logo is PANTONE: PMS Process Yellow C, HEX COLOR: #FFFC00, RGB: (255 252 0), CMYK: (0 0 100 0). The Black color code for the Snapchat logo is PANTONE: PMS Black C, HEX COLOR: #000000, RGB: (0 0 0), CMYK: (63 62 59 94).