Kirby Color Codes & Palette

The brand colors of Kirby are Green, White and, Blue. The Kirby brand colors in Hex, RBG, CMYK, and Pantone can be found below. Kirby is a company in the industrial goods and services industry. Kirby was founded in 1969 in Houston, Texas by John Henry Kirby. The largest competitors of Kirby are ICTSI and American Commercial Barge Line.

Kirby Primary Colors

The primary colors of Kirby can be found in the table below.

Color Codes of Kirby in RGB, HEX, CMYK, and Pantone
Color Name RGB Color Code HEX Color Code CMYK Color Code Pantone Color Code
Green 25,102,46 #19662e 87,35,100,28 PMS 349 C
White 255,255,255 #ffffff  0,0,0,0 PMS 11-0601 TCX
Blue 25,79,144 #194f90  98,77,14,2 PMS 7686 C


Hex color code:  #19662e
RGB color code: 25,102,46
CMYK color code: 87,35,100,28
Pantone color code: PMS 349 C

Hex color code:  #ffffff
RGB color code: 255,255,255
CMYK color code: 0,0,0,0
Pantone color code: PMS 11-0601 TCX

Hex color code:  #194f90
RGB color code: 25,79,144
CMYK color code: 98,77,14,2
Pantone color code: PMS 7686 C

Kirby HEX Color Codes

Kirby HEX color are #19662e for the Green and #ffffff for the White.

The Green HEX color of Kirby can be seen below.


The White HEX color of Kirby can be seen below.


The Blue HEX color of Kirby can be seen below.


Kirby RGB Color Codes

Kirby RGB color are 25,102,46 for the Green and 255,255,255 for the White.

The Green RGB color of Kirby can be seen below.


The White RGB color of Kirby can be seen below.


The Blue RGB color of Kirby can be seen below.


Kirby CMYK Color Codes

Kirby CMYK color are 87,35,100,28 for the Green and 0,0,0,0 for the White.

The Green CMYK color of Kirby can be seen below.


The White CMYK color of Kirby can be seen below.


The Blue CMYK color of Kirby can be seen below.


Kirby Pantone Color Codes

Kirby Pantone color are PMS 349 C for the Green and PMS 11-0601 TCX for the White.

The Green Pantone color of Kirby can be seen below.

PMS 349 C

The White Pantone color of Kirby can be seen below.

PMS 11-0601 TCX

The Blue Pantone color of Kirby can be seen below.

PMS 7686 C

Kirby Logo Colors

Kirby logo colors are Green, White, and Blue. The Green color code for the Kirby logo is PANTONE: PMS 349 C, HEX COLOR: #19662e, RGB: (25,102,46), CMYK: (87,35,100,28). The White color code for the Kirby logo is PANTONE: PMS 11-0601 TCX, HEX COLOR: #ffffff, RGB: (255,255,255), CMYK: (0,0,0,0).