Keysight Technologies Color Codes & Palette

The brand colors of Keysight Technologies are Red and, Gray. The Keysight Technologies brand colors in Hex, RBG, CMYK, and Pantone can be found below. Keysight Technologies is a company in the technology industry. Keysight Technologies was founded in 2014 in Santa Rosa, CA by Ron Nersesian. The largest competitors of Keysight Technologies are Anritsu Company and Tektronix.

Keysight Technologies Primary Colors

The primary colors of Keysight Technologies can be found in the table below.

Color Codes of Keysight Technologies in RGB, HEX, CMYK, and Pantone
Color Name RGB Color Code HEX Color Code CMYK Color Code Pantone Color Code
Red 234,0,36 #ea0024 0,100,85,8 PMS 2035 C
Gray 84,84,84 #545454  0,0,0,67 PMS 425 C


Hex color code:  #ea0024
RGB color code: 234,0,36
CMYK color code: 0,100,85,8
Pantone color code: PMS 2035 C

Hex color code:  #545454
RGB color code: 84,84,84
CMYK color code: 0,0,0,67
Pantone color code: PMS 425 C

Keysight Technologies HEX Color Codes

Keysight Technologies HEX color are #ea0024 for the Red and #545454 for the Gray.

The Red HEX color of Keysight Technologies can be seen below.


The Gray HEX color of Keysight Technologies can be seen below.


Keysight Technologies RGB Color Codes

Keysight Technologies RGB color are 234,0,36 for the Red and 84,84,84 for the Gray.

The Red RGB color of Keysight Technologies can be seen below.


The Gray RGB color of Keysight Technologies can be seen below.


Keysight Technologies CMYK Color Codes

Keysight Technologies CMYK color are 0,100,85,8 for the Red and 0,0,0,67 for the Gray.

The Red CMYK color of Keysight Technologies can be seen below.


The Gray CMYK color of Keysight Technologies can be seen below.


Keysight Technologies Pantone Color Codes

Keysight Technologies Pantone color are PMS 2035 C for the Red and PMS 425 C for the Gray.

The Red Pantone color of Keysight Technologies can be seen below.

PMS 2035 C

The Gray Pantone color of Keysight Technologies can be seen below.

PMS 425 C

Keysight Technologies Logo Colors

Keysight Technologies logo colors are Red, Gray, and . The Red color code for the Keysight Technologies logo is PANTONE: PMS 2035 C, HEX COLOR: #ea0024, RGB: (234,0,36), CMYK: (0,100,85,8). The Gray color code for the Keysight Technologies logo is PANTONE: PMS 425 C, HEX COLOR: #545454, RGB: (84,84,84), CMYK: (0,0,0,67).