Cypress Semiconductor Color Codes & Palette

The brand colors of Cypress Semiconductor are Blue, Light Blue and, Red. The Cypress Semiconductor brand colors in Hex, RBG, CMYK, and Pantone can be found below. Cypress Semiconductor is a company in the technology industry. Cypress Semiconductor was founded in 1982 in San Jose, CA by T. J. Rodgers,Fritz Beyerlein, Fred Jenne, Steven H. Kaplan, R. Michael Starnes and Lowell Turriff. The largest competitors of Cypress Semiconductor are Lattice Semiconductor and Micron Technology.

Cypress Semiconductor Primary Colors

The primary colors of Cypress Semiconductor can be found in the table below.

Color Codes of Cypress Semiconductor in RGB, HEX, CMYK, and Pantone
Color Name RGB Color Code HEX Color Code CMYK Color Code Pantone Color Code
Blue 0,85,152 #005598 98,73,11,1 PMS 7686 C
Light Blue 0,172,234 #00acea  71,14,0,0 PMS 299 C
Red 228,34,33 #e42221  4,99,100,1 PMS 485 C


Hex color code:  #005598
RGB color code: 0,85,152
CMYK color code: 98,73,11,1
Pantone color code: PMS 7686 C

Light Blue
Hex color code:  #00acea
RGB color code: 0,172,234
CMYK color code: 71,14,0,0
Pantone color code: PMS 299 C

Light Blue
Hex color code:  #e42221
RGB color code: 228,34,33
CMYK color code: 4,99,100,1
Pantone color code: PMS 485 C

Cypress Semiconductor HEX Color Codes

Cypress Semiconductor HEX color are #005598 for the Blue and #00acea for the Light Blue.

The Blue HEX color of Cypress Semiconductor can be seen below.


The Light Blue HEX color of Cypress Semiconductor can be seen below.


The Red HEX color of Cypress Semiconductor can be seen below.


Cypress Semiconductor RGB Color Codes

Cypress Semiconductor RGB color are 0,85,152 for the Blue and 0,172,234 for the Light Blue.

The Blue RGB color of Cypress Semiconductor can be seen below.


The Light Blue RGB color of Cypress Semiconductor can be seen below.


The Red RGB color of Cypress Semiconductor can be seen below.


Cypress Semiconductor CMYK Color Codes

Cypress Semiconductor CMYK color are 98,73,11,1 for the Blue and 71,14,0,0 for the Light Blue.

The Blue CMYK color of Cypress Semiconductor can be seen below.


The Light Blue CMYK color of Cypress Semiconductor can be seen below.


The Red CMYK color of Cypress Semiconductor can be seen below.


Cypress Semiconductor Pantone Color Codes

Cypress Semiconductor Pantone color are PMS 7686 C for the Blue and PMS 299 C for the Light Blue.

The Blue Pantone color of Cypress Semiconductor can be seen below.

PMS 7686 C

The Light Blue Pantone color of Cypress Semiconductor can be seen below.

PMS 299 C

The Red Pantone color of Cypress Semiconductor can be seen below.

PMS 485 C

Cypress Semiconductor Logo Colors

Cypress Semiconductor logo colors are Blue, Light Blue, and Red. The Blue color code for the Cypress Semiconductor logo is PANTONE: PMS 7686 C, HEX COLOR: #005598, RGB: (0,85,152), CMYK: (98,73,11,1). The Light Blue color code for the Cypress Semiconductor logo is PANTONE: PMS 299 C, HEX COLOR: #00acea, RGB: (0,172,234), CMYK: (71,14,0,0).